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PVA 海绵弹性精密研磨砂轮 PVA Grinding Wheels The PVA grinding wheels are elastic grinding wheels bonded with Polyvinyl Alcohol and are much characterized by the sponge structure. The PVA grinding wheels have proved themselves to be the best elastic grinding wheels for polish-grinding jobs in production work, saving operation cost by automation of grinding operations and contributing to upgrade of product quality. PVA磨轮是由聚乙烯醇所结合而成的弹性磨轮,并以海绵状的结构为其特徵。由於可以经由自动化大幅度节省作业成本,以及提昇产品品质,因此PVA磨轮已被证实为在抛光研磨制程中的弹性磨轮。 Characteristic of PVA grinding wheels 1、an even and excellent finished surface can be obtained with elasticity-effect of the PVA bond which makes the depth of cut of abrasive grains uniform and prevent deep scratches on surface 2、unique and regulated pores permit a long time continuous grinding operation. Reducing generation of grinding heat with less loading 3、The PVA grinding wheels , having good conformability to curved surfaces , provide much more excellent finished surface than other of abrasives such as abrasive papers or iron buffs. 1、以PVA为黏着材质,这样的弹性效果,可以让磨粒所造成的切削深度一致,并经此达成出色的精致表面及平坦度,同时也可以避免表面产生太深的刮痕。 2、独特且规则的气孔允许长时间持续性的研磨加工,同时因为较少的堵塞,也减低研磨热能的产生。 3、PVA对於弯曲的表面,拥有良好的一致性,也因此相较於砂纸或铁制抛光轮等其它研磨材,PVA磨轮可以研磨出极出色的精致表面。 用途 Applications 1、most effective for use on softer hard-to-grind materials in which polish-grinding jobs grinding heat and loading are easily generated. Works stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass, titanium, other alloyed steels, wood, glass, stones, and plastics. 2、Designed particularly for obtaining an excellent finishing (up to mirror finishing ), reducing finishing time and eliminating processes. Proved the best elastic grinding wheels in automation and mechanization of conventional hand and buffing jobs. 1、当应用在较软,研磨过程中很容易产生热能及堵塞不易研磨的材质上时,PVA磨轮是有效果的。例如,不锈钢、铝、铜、黄铜、钛、合金钢、木材、玻璃、石材以及塑胶制品 2、是为了达到佳的抛光程度(可到达镜面抛光),同时也可以减少精密加工的时间以及减少工序,所特别设计。 对於机械化及自动化而言,是适合的弹性磨轮。 Watch case and band表壳及表带 Stainless steel pipe不锈钢管 Kitchen knife and scissors刀具及剪刀 Motor cycle rim to remove welded part磨除摩拖车轮圈中焊接部位 Removing paint defect of car body去除车体油漆缺陷部位 Titanium drum for PCB copper foil PCB铜箔用钛鼓 Stainless steel sink 不锈钢水槽 Titanium rolls 钛金属滚筒、滚轮 Glass and marble stones 玻璃及大理石 Various jewelry(gold/silver/platinum) 珠宝(金/银/白金)Various metal molds.各式金属模具